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Civil Law

Family Law

Legal Documentation Preparation & Expert Services

​Abuse We are here to help in any sensitive situation to help with guiding resources.

Adoption We help with stepparent adoptions, independent adoptions and adult adoptions.


Child Custody We can help with expert services with legal separation to provide the most appropriate assistance. 


Child Support We can help assist with legal documentation services to take you through the process. 

Civil Summons We will supply the most professional resources to you to help you in your situation.


Divorce If you need help with a low cost solution during your legal separation we can help.

Paternity Need help with establishing paternity? We can help.

QDRO is a court order that tells a retirement plan how to pay benefits to a divorced spouse. This order is made after a divorce judgment and is necessary for the spouse to be paid. It is important that these orders

meet all federal guidelines to ensure proper payment of benefits.


Separation In pursuing a Legal Separation we can help.


Spousal Support If you are a parent needing a court’s order for the timely payment of child support to maintain the well-being of your children, we can assist with all the different ways to obtain it.

Wage Garnishment We can help assist you upon award from court in collecting wages.




​Advice We can with expert advice and even provide free consultations in some cases.


Complaint We can assist you in gathering appropriate legal forms in filing a complaint. 


Civil Summons We can help provide a document informing someone that a lawsuit has been filed. 


Court of Clerk We offer resources from any specific county you may need, and even point you in the right direction.

Demand Letter We can help construct and deliver an order letter to finalize your legal situation.


Harassment A restraining order is a legal document, signed by the judge and certified by the court which orders a person to stop doing certain acts to another. Civil Harassment or Workplace Violence.

Process Server We ensure documents are delivered in accordance with state law. Documents that comprise service of process include summonses, complaints, subpoenas, writs, and other court documents. 


Restraining order We can help you in a work or personal harassment situation.

Small Claims We can help you with guidance to help you with your case, with locating documents, offering consultation, or providing representation for you.

Subpoenas We can help deliver appropriate services.

Citizenship Help with consultation, necessary steps and information needed.

Green Card We can provide assistance with steps to become a permanent resident. 

VISA USCIS guidance and resources available. 

Contract Paralegals We offer short term services to Attorneys.

Paralegal Services We can also help provide assistance when  you are over burdened, on a long-term basis.



Attorney Assistance

Real Estate

  • Eviction Help with removal from rental property.
  • Land Lord and Tenant  

Probate Law

Attorney Referral If you are in need of legal advice or other help from a licensed attorney, we provide referrals.

Credit Fix /Credit Repair We can assist in helping you improve your credit standing. 

Name Changes We can help with appropriate steps for identity changes. 

Additional Services

​Living Trust Living trusts can be either "revocable" or "irrevocable."​

​Revocable trusts allow you to retain control of all the assets in the trust, and you are free to revoke or change the terms of the trust at any time.


​With irrevocable trusts, the assets in it are no longer yours, and typically you can't make changes without the beneficiary's consent. But the appreciated assets in the trust aren't subject to estate taxes.


Call for Questions on other Trust Services


  • Credit Shelter Trusts With a credit-shelter trust (also called a bypass or family trust), you write a will bequeathing an amount to the trust up to but not exceeding the estate-tax exemption. Then you pass the rest of your estate to your spouse tax-free. And there's an added bonus: Once money is placed in a bypass trust, it is forever free of estate tax, even if it grows.​
  • Generation-skipping trusts
  • Qualified personal residence trusts
  • Irrevocable life insurance trusts
  • Qualified terminable interest property trusts

 Will Schedule of Assets, Certification (Abstract), Pour Over Will, Durable Power Of Attorney, Advanced Healthcare Directive (HIPPA Qualified)

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2130 N. Arrowhead Ave # 201

San Bernardino, CA 92405

T: 909-648-0851

T:909- 883-2600
F: 909-883-2663​


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